Book Reviews

Book Review: “Permission to Be Black: My Journey with Jay-Z and Jesus” by A.D. “Lumkile” Thomason

Permission to Be Black: My Journey with Jay-Z and Jesus by A.D. “Lumkile” Thomason is a fascinating read that explores the intersections of race, gender, and Christianity.

Thomason writes with a sometimes stream of consciousness exuberance that nevertheless grounds itself in lived reality. He talks about how Jay-Z’s lyrics gave him a kind of honest form of expression, while in the gospel of Christ, he found hope. Each chapter includes what he calls “cheat codes” about how to live life that include personal advice about blackness, masculinity, and more.

The book is at times hopeful, at times challenging, and all the time piercing in its analysis and thoughts. As a reader, I’m not sure I feel qualified to evaluate it. Thomason comes in like a whirlwind of energy and thought, and this pithy volume will force readers to think. Permission to Be Black is recommended.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a copy of the book for review by the publisher. I was not required to give any specific kind of feedback whatsoever.

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About J.W. Wartick

J.W. Wartick is a Lutheran, feminist, Christ-follower. A Science Fiction snob, Bonhoeffer fan, Paleontology fanboy and RPG nerd.


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