Apologetic Methods, apologetics, Historical Apologetics

Rhetoric as Apologetic- Can we learn from ancient apologetics?

apologetics-romanIn the ancient world, rhetoric was a major field of study. Briefly, classical rhetoric is the practice of discourse as a means to motivate, inform, persuade. It is hard to pin down to an exact degree what rhetoric is, but here we will use the term as broadly defined above.

Ancient Rhetoric in Apologetics

Mark Edwards, in “The Flowering of Latin Apologetic: Lactantius and Arnobius,” (cited below) examines the way these ancient apologists used rhetoric in their defense of the Christian faith. This involved demonstrating that Christians were educated over and against the notion that Christians were all slaves and fools. It also involved showing that Christians were the paragons of (Roman) society rather than people who overthrew society. They presented Christianity as an alternative way of thinking–a whole system which was to overthrow the Pagan thought of the time.

These different aspects of rhetoric in apologetics were specifically aimed at the audience of the time of Lactantius and Arnobius. Perhaps we can learn from their example.

Rhetoric in Apologetics Today

There are a number of ways we may apply rhetoric to apologetics today. One may argue that the use of memes is one (lowbrow) way of utilizing rhetoric in apologetics–making brief points in a provocative manner that brings forth further thought. How might we best use memes in apologetics? Are they even appropriate? These are questions that I will not delve into, but I think they are worth trying to work out for those involved in apologetics or interested in doing the same.

Another aspect of rhetoric which may be integrated into today’s apologetic is the continued deflection of charges from non-Christians against the faith. Specifically, some allege that Christians are stupid. Like Lactantius and Arnobius, we may feel free to flourish the names of Christian scholars through time and into today. Christians cannot truly be classified as necessarily stupid or foolish when they continually work in the highest levels of academia.

Rhetoric in apologetics seems as though it may necessarily be focused on the “low hanging fruit” like the examples given above. I’m not convinced this is the case, nor am I convinced that this is a valid objection to its use. Regarding the latter point, surely if charges are made against Christians necessarily being foolish or lacking education, a valid response is to demonstrate how this is false. The use of memes is frequently effective, though we must be wary of their tendency to oversimplify.

Regarding the former point–that rhetoric is not necessarily focused on “low hanging fruit,” I would note that in many ways, a convincing case depends on how it is presented. Moreover, as Christians we are called to present our case in a way that will put us above reproach in character. If we’re able to eloquently present a case, then perhaps more will consider the case itself. I’m not suggesting we try to obfuscate, but we should try to work to present our case in a winsome manner that utilizes the best scholarship, the most current language, and integrates the fewest possible errors (and this includes typos and spelling errors–something of which I am guilty, I’m sure).

Moreover, Lactantius and Arnobius were both clearly concerned with the imminent attacks on Christianity. They weren’t seeking to anticipate and shoot down future problems so much as they were dealing with the current attacks on their faith. Perhaps we can take this as a call to focus on the issues which face Christianity today ourselves. Like them, we need to confront the most popular of our naysayers and utilize the best scholarship in order to refute criticisms of Christianity.


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Sunday Quote– If you want to read more Sunday Quotes and join the discussion, check them out! (Scroll down for more)

On the Shoulders of Giants: Rediscovering the lost defenses of Christianity– I have written on how we may discover the enormous resources historical apologists have left behind for us. Take and read!


Mark Edwards, “The Flowering of Latin Apologetic: Lactantius and Arnobius” in Mark Edwards, Martin Goodman, and Simon Price, eds., Apologetics in the Roman Empire (New York: Oxford, 1999).



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About J.W. Wartick

J.W. Wartick is a Lutheran, feminist, Christ-follower. A Science Fiction snob, Bonhoeffer fan, Paleontology fanboy and RPG nerd.


8 thoughts on “Rhetoric as Apologetic- Can we learn from ancient apologetics?

  1. Reblogged this on rennydiokno.com.

    Posted by rennydiokno2015 | July 6, 2015, 6:38 AM
  2. The problem with Lactantius is he was clever but he wasn’t wise and used his skill in rhetoric to promote Christian flat earth cosmology, trying to insulate flat earth interpretations of scripture from the scientific evidence the earth was a sphere. We see the same thing in Christianity today with apologetics arguing against established science to push Creationism or Intelligent Design. In fact many of the leading apologists for ID are lawyers, modern day rhetoricians who use very similar tactics to Lactantius, looking for excuses to insulate pseudo science from the evidence of science, The creationist’s ‘scientists weren’t there to see what happened’ is eerily similar to Lactantius’ argument how can you make any claims about the other side of the earth when no one has been there.

    Posted by dconneely2012 | July 7, 2015, 9:43 AM
    • Thanks for stopping by and offering this thoughtful comment! I think it’s valuable to note that we really must not only be using rhetoric to promote Christianity; instead we must be very careful that our rhetoric is not the only basis for the beliefs that we are defending. That’s the danger inherent in this method, and inherent in relying only on rhetoric when it comes to defense of the faith. That faith must be grounded in fact rather than merely in rhetoric.

      But on the other hand, I think that rhetoric can be a very valuable tool in the defense of the faith.

      Posted by J.W. Wartick | July 7, 2015, 5:27 PM
  3. Excellent. Apologetics must not just be a science, but an art and part of it being an art should be consideration of rhetorics in our presentation

    Posted by SLIMJIM | July 9, 2015, 5:01 PM

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